Professional Pool & Spa Services

Lic. # 1100946 Bonded & Insured

H2O Pool & Spa Services- Pool & Spa Maintenance, Repair & Epoxy Services in Escondido

H20 offers first class weekly pool service on pools, spas and hot tubs large or small. Our pool cleaning technicians ensure everything is clean and safe to enjoy each and every week. H20 offers pool, spa and hot tub products for any size pools, spas and hot tubs.  H2O Pool & Spa service also offers Epoxy pool coatings to give your pool that brand new look from the bottom up. We also fix most Swimming Pool structural Cracks and similar repairs. We are a certified distributor and installer of Modpools as well. Give us a call to find out how H2O Pool & Spa Services can help you!

Pool & Spa Services


Featured Products - Aquascape Fountains, Pondless Waterfalls & Ponds


Featured Products - Plungie Scalable and Adaptable pre-cast Pool Solutions

Featured Product - Electronic Leak Detection System

We Use Leak Detection Equipment for Pool Professionals

Swimming pool leaks typically come to light when a homeowner sees the level of their pool water dropping faster than usual. This isn’t at all uncommon. There are a multitude of reasons as to why pools lose water, and it isn’t always a leak. Sometimes equipment is malfunctioning. A bad check valve can cause a pool to run constantly, or not at all. A broken auto-fill valve can let a pool fill constantly, but sometimes it’s truly a leak.

Featured Product - AI Powered CamerEye System

Pool Safety for You and Your Family

CamerEye is an AI camera-based product that creates a 24/7 safety and security ecosystem that can detect distress or near-drowning behavior through AI-powered overhead cameras. With our Smart Fence technology, you can customize monitoring areas and adjust on/off functionality. CamerEye keeps you informed and in control of your pool at all times.

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